7 New Ways to Stay Productive This Holiday Season


The red cups are back at Starbucks, and you know what that means – it’s officially the holiday season! Figuring out ways to stay productive during the holidays can be tough, what with parties, events, deadlines, and end-of-year madness lurking around every corner.

Here are our top seven ways to stay productive (and stay sane!) this holiday season.

1. Quit multitasking

You may feel mighty when you’re multitasking, but studies show that juggling 10 different things doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting more done.

Make a list of must-do tasks and could-do tasks, then focus on one thing at a time. At the end of the day, you’ll have a tangible list of accomplishments, instead of a frazzled feeling and not much to show for it.

2. Scan your receipts

During the holidays you’re probably doing quite a bit more shopping than usual, and not just for gifts – party favors, bottles of wine, appetizers, decorations – before you know it, your wallet or purse is packed with paper clutter.

Scan your receipts with a service like Shoeboxed, which will digitize your data and upload it to a cloud-based account that can be accessed from anywhere. Shoeboxed keeps a digital copy of your receipts so you don’t have to. This is perfect for returning gifts and tracking your holiday spending. We’ll even scan giant stacks of paper for you, giving you space to wrangle your wrapping paper instead.

3. Don’t overcommit

Nothing inhibits productivity like overcommitting. From end of year business meetings to holiday get togethers, the next few months are sure to be filled with an abundance of invitations. Feel free to say ‘no’ to many if not most of them. This way, you’ll be happy and refreshed at the events you do decide to attend.

4. Do small shopping trips

The mere thought of a massive holiday shopping trip can be overwhelming. Break up your outings into mini-trips once or twice a week until your list is complete. Hit the mall on your lunch hour, or swing by that speciality shop after work. Before you know it, everyone’s gift will be wrapped and waiting under the tree, and you’ll be busy sipping hot cider while everyone else is scrambling at the last minute.

5. Take a nap

Taking a nap in the middle of the day may seem like the last way to get more done, but it’s actually a proven method of productivity! Frequent breaks allow your mind and body to recharge themselves, giving you more energy to tackle whatever’s next on your list.

6. Buddy up

Get an accountability buddy and check in with them regularly throughout the week. Share your goals and challenges with each other, and provide motivation when the holiday going gets tough.

7. Outsource

When you have way too much to do, have someone else do it. Delegate tasks to co-workers or colleagues, ask for help, and outsource projects to freelancers via Upwork or Upwork. No one ever said you have to stay productive by doing everything yourself.

How do you stay productive during the holidays? 

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